Monday, 26 November 2018


Hi , here is my sway presentation about Instagram, I really enjoyed this project and I have done with Nacho .




4º ESO – 1ª Evaluación
Physical condition  

1. What is de FNP? Explain all its phases give an example for the quadriceps and for hamstrings.

A Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is a nurse with specialized educational and clinical training in family pratice. FNPs work with patients on mantaining health and wellness over the long term with a particular focus on preventative care.

Hamstrings: The patient has to be sat down on the floor with the feet against the wall. Next thing you have to do is push him in the back until he tells you that it hurts. He has to make strength for 20 seconds then you make strength for 8 seconds you have a rest of 5 seconds and another time the first step.

Quadriceps: One person has to put in front
of a wall and the other, has to fold the leg
and it will stretch the quadriceps. He has to make strength for 20 seconds then you make strength for 8 seconds you have a rest of 5 seconds and another time the first step.

2.- Explain the General Syndrome of Adaptation and all its phases. Give an example.

1.-REACTION STAGE: the alarm reaction stage refers to the initial symptoms the body experiences when it´s under stress.
2.- RESISTENCE STAGE:  The body begins to repair itself.It releases a lower amount of cortisol, and your heart rate and blood preasure begin to normalize.
3.- EXHAUSTION STAGE: This stage is the result of prolonged stress.

Examples : losing a close family , have a bad day or losing you pet.

3.    Explain the Threshold Law by Arnold Schult. Illustrate with an example.

The intensity of training is decisive in the results of this. Thus,  the training stimulus must overcome a threshold of intensity, according to the Threshold Law or Schultz-Arnodt Law, daptation takes place as a consequence of physical efforts proposed in a consistent and adequate manner so that the organism assimilates them progressively.

Of medium intensity: They have a function of maintenance of the functional level in horts periods of time.
Optimal: The functional level, that is, training.
Excessively strong: They cause functional damage and can lead to overtraining and injures.
The optimum : the force 30-40% of our maximum possibilities. In resistance: at least we must work between 50-60% of the maximum cardiovascular possibilities. In speed: the stimuli have to be maximum, with what is reached 90-100%

 Example : Progession Sports training increase of effort as it increases the functional capacity of the athlete: If a training load is maintained at a certain level

4.    What is the training load and what are its components? Explain them and give an example of each component.

The training load is an indication in text about the degree of effort of a single training session. The calculation of the training load is based on the consumption of fundamental energy sources (carbohydrates and proteins) during the exercise. 2 types of it : external and internal


-Intensity: Is the how of the stimulus. A example in a farleck the intensity can be low, medium and high.
-Volume: Is the quantity of the stimulus. A example the time you do a exerciese.
-Density: Is the relation between work and pause of each load. A example is to reduce fatigue having breaks.
-Duration: Is the extension in time of a load.A example : If I do 10 push-ups the duration is 10 .
-Frequency: Is the periocity of the stimulus.A example:  Training 4 times per week , the frequency is 4 times .

5.-Explainthe principles of training acording to the classification of Oliver(1985) and Zintl(1991). 
- Principles related to the stimulation of physical conditioning.
This says that the traininig stimulus must overcome a certain threshold of intensity to be able to initiate an adaptive reaction, to have an effect in the training.
- Principles related to the systems to which said stimulus is directed.
A stimulus is any change that is capable of producing a response from the organism. The receptors are very specialiszed structures capable of perceiving the stimuli and converting them into nervous impulses. There are two groups. Internal and external.
- Principles related to the response to said stimulus.
The stimuli respond to reactions of the environment or their own, and are subject to the nature of the action that precede it becoming a situational chain in which the process is repeated, being: A stimulus that precedes a perception and this causes an action, where the cycle returns and repeats itself because the action is the stimulus that precedes another perception that originates another action.
Zintl encompasses its proposed principles in three groups:
- Those who initiate the adaptation.
The adaptation to physical effort in the development of basic physical abilities. Following the definition of Alvarez del villar, the adaptation is the ability of living beings to maintain a constant balance of their functions before the stimuli that affect them.
- Those that guarantee adaptation.
In a complete macrocycle, we will have mesocycles or microcycles in which we need to perform very strong stimuli, but we must know how to control stages and guide our training correctly bases on our objetives. I repeat we can't always train heavy, since, our central nervous system would not support it, and our muscles either.

- Those who exercise a specific control of adaptation.
Those who exercise specific control over adaptation. In order to make adaptation processes specific for each person, it is necessary to follow some principles, for example the individualization. Training loads should be specifically oriented towards the personal and individual person: ( age, sex, motor skills)

Tuesday, 6 November 2018


Unit 1
truthful - telling the truth
weird - suggesting the supernatural
put up with - support someone
harassment - to annoy continuously
gossiping - idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others
teasing - to irritate, bother, or anger
bystander - a person present but not involved
to put on weight - put in  form
Phrasal verbs
browse - to glance at or read parts of a book
charge - to put electrical energy into
plug in -being connected to an electrical power
pressing - to put pressure on
scroll - to move a cursor up or down
zoom in - to increase the magnification of the image
switch off - switching off a light
turn on - to switch on or activate
hack into - working as a hack
click on - to press and release a mouse button rapidly

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